Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why internet dating is better than picking a guy up in a bar

The argument has always been.....Internet dating is so much better than meeting a guy in a bar. I mean, in a bar you are drinking, so not only is your judgement impaired in terms of why he is so awesome, but beer/wine/tequila goggles also come in to play and all of a sudden this

Looks like this

I'm pretty sure we've all been there and just shook our heads on the next date thinking "Holy mother of God, I'm never drinking again".

But I digress and am going to (I swear) come to my point about why Internet dating is better than picking a guy up in a bar.

I am horrible with names. Like seriously bad. I have tried repeating them in my head a few times after the initial introduction or saying them out loud, but for some reason I have a little shredder somewhere in my brain that automatically removes names from memory within minutes or even seconds of you giving it to me unless I see it written down somewhere.

Internet dating or communicating via text/email gives me the opportunity to LOOK at the name multiple times and give me an association so that I really can remember the person and the name as opposed to just the person. I truly envy one of my co-workers who can pull a name out of her mental Rolodex after 2 years and one meeting with someone.

Add in my adult onset ADD (self diagnosed of course) and mix with alcohol and you have the perfect recipe for a morning after story that still makes me crack myself up.

Night out with the bestie to watch Raging Arb & the Redheads at Chuy's in Ventura and we were having more fun than most people should be allowed. We met a bunch of adorable guys (for realsies, no beer goggles) who danced with us, talked with us all night and of course kept a beer in our hands all night long. So when one of them suggested we exchange numbers for a future encounter I was totally up for it and programmed his number in to my sweet little Samsung flip phone.

So the next morning while chugging coffee and chatting with Clover to make sure we didn't forget anything at all about our super fun night out, I saw that I had a missed call and message from....

First off, I am just going to point out how awesome it is that I knew he was a guy. And that I remembered where I was when I met him. Beyond that, I recognize the fact that I was in fact a totally drunk bar ho that night. I can only say that after going out with him twice, I still can't remember his damn name. So there. I still think I win.

Yours in blissful ignorance,

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