Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Cash and Prizes"

This real life story was shared with me by my friend Jackie!

I too have tried Internet dating! Honestly, I was really just trying to meet people because I had just moved to downtown Los Angeles. Being from San Diego, I really wanted to meet new people and let’s be real here….possibly a hot rich boyfriend! So, I go online to the (as I found out later) LEAST reputable dating sites there are. Trolling through the men I find what “looks” like the most normal guy.

He's wearing a suit, without the jacket, and smiling back at me with gorgeous eyes, perfect teeth and that oh so attractive California tan. So I contact him and we flirt back and forth, exchanging stories, likes, dislikes, etc. He works in advertising for a very large record label. SCORE! So we decide to meet. He takes me to a really cute cafe, and then I take him to my favorite music lounge. I feel like the chemistry between us is undeniable and this guy could possibly be boyfriend maybe future husband material.

He invites me to his condo. He lived in the hills of Hollywood, in a gorgeous open floor planned condo, overlooking Los Angeles. As young girls normally do, I start picturing a future there, watching movies on his sprawly couch next to his giant fireplace, cooking him meals in his humongous kitchen any chef would be proud of, saying my first name with his last name and picturing where we may possibly have a wedding reception. As I am standing there looking out onto the Los Angeles lights he says, "Hey! Check this out!" I turn around and too my utter horror and embarrassment he is standing there, still fully clothed except for his “CASH AND PRIZES!” Which he is pointing at me. Then he runs at me with it like a 5 year old. He chases me around for about 3 seconds before I can get to the door. Did he really think that would work?! More importantly, had that worked for him before?!?!

He called me a couple days later as if nothing at all had happened and asked me out again.

Gee...No Thanks!

Thank you for your contribution Jackie! I believe you my friend are scarred for life...

With love,


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